

  • I have been introduced to persimmons and all I can say is YUM! They are in season now and can get a big container of them for $5-6 at Sams Club
  • I actually have microscopic colitis which is where you cant see the damage or flare up on the colonoscopy but under a microscope the cells are inflammed and aggitated! I have been on steroids, immunosuppresive meds for years-Have been off ~ 1 yr and do ok but I still have flare ups that last up to 2 months. The second I…
  • Congrats on your weight loss! That is awesome!:smile:
  • Have been GF/Celiac for ~6 yrs. It was tough the first year with many public crying breakdowns at restaurants! But after that year it got easier! And after "cheating" for the first time on apple fritters from the Apple Barn in Pigeon Forge, Tn I learned that there is no food worth feeling that sick over! 2 days of nausea,…