

  • Its nowhere near as bad as you would think as I did worry about that. It cleanses your system, also its all raw. It isnt like it is when its been cooked!! HAHA x
  • OOOOPS my typing is hideous, sorry guys, normally on my iphone which pretty much types and spells for me....
  • Cool, well its quite simple really, sports drink: 1/4 cucumber 1/4 celery 1/2 apple golden delicious or royal gala are best 1 slice unwaxed lemon with rind on, or peel if waxed 1/2 litre mineral water. or 1/4 cucumber, 1 stick celery, 2 apples, 1/4 lemon for this is ideal for before and after a workout!!! Recovery post…
  • Hi Prutha, I have tried every fad going this last 3 years, since having a baby! I so miss my skinny days, although they werent the healthiest, I was still skinny! Its amazing watching the stuf you eat broken down on here tho! I actually can't believe that half a packet of biscuits is actually nearly a full days worth of…
  • Hey there, I am a huge junk food addict, biscuits and snack foods have been my downfall for a long time, I used to be a good 2 stone lighter than I am now and have been for the last 3 years. A friend recommended this site to me. Since recording my calories, I find I am a lot more choosy about what I eat. For instance,…