

  • I would say a thyroid thing as I too have gained a load of weight around my stomach & I have always been underweight. Hardest part now is trying to lose it :(
  • I'm also on Synthroid & I was the same eating within my 1200 calories and working out 5 times a week & for 5 weeks running I gained weight (around 8 lbs). I had a chat with my instructor at gym & she suggested I wasn't eating enough & that I shouldn't go more than 4 hours without eating. I haven't increased my calories as…
  • Count me in. Need the motivation as I've been going to gym & logging my food since end of January and have only managed to lose 2 lbs (lost 10 then gained 8 back). I've been told I need to increase my calories in order to lose weight as I don't have a big appetite so any advice or tips would be great!!
  • libbylulily, I had blood tests done recently and my TSH was 0.51 mU/L.
  • Gingersfit, thanks for your comment but I know it's not depression as I have had depression in the past when I was dealing with a really difficult issue & receiving counselling which finished earlier this year. When I was depressed I didn't want to do anything, this time I want to do loads but just don't have the energy &…
  • I have been hypothyroid for 6 years. I have always been underweight (around 6 1/2 stone) until I had this. I have around 30 lbs to lose & have been going to the gym since end January and had lost 10 lbs but somehow have put 8 lbs back on so have only managed to drop 2 lbs in 5 months. I can't even say that I am toning up…
  • I am one of those people who only eats when they are hungry & I can't force myself to eat if I'm not hungry. The reason I got fat is because I now have an underactive thyroid. I have spent the first 38 years of my life underweight (my weight never went above 6st 10lbs) and now I have 2 stone to lose. Just because someone…