Anybody else do a long term juice fast (30+ days) and see great results and manage to keep it off?
Thanks so much for sharing that with me - its so awesome that they archieved so much from simply juicing and eating right :) ill be sure to post back on here once I finish my juice feast (still not sure how long I'll be doing it) and I wish you the best of luck too- pass on my congrats to your friends as well!!
Http:// has so much amazing info. She has given me a lot of great advice so I'd suggest rummaging through some of her old posts/vids that address your questions. (:
I am SO happy that I found this thread. I thought I was all alone. Last year (academic year for those who think 2011... being a student means my years revolve around school, haha) I lost roughly 50lbs. I've re-gained like 35 of those pounds and am so crushed. What happened was over the summer, I lost my grip on things I…