

  • Hi! I'm 21 (almost 22) and in my last semester of college. I did really well last spring and over the summer, but then football season came around and I kind of fell off the wagon. I'm back at it for my last semester of college looking to lose 20ish more pounds before I graduate. Feel free to add me!
  • Hey guys! I just started the program last week. I did the third workout yesterday (the second time doing workout A). I increased my weights on the step ups, but kept everything else the same. For the squats I really wanted to make sure I had the form down and now that I am pretty confident in that I think I will increase…
  • Also don't currently lived there but lived in mayaguez!
  • Hey All :) I also recently joined.. i'm a junior in college.. I was chunky in high school but after 3 years of eating garbage the weight has really come on. I have had enough and am looking to lose weight for the summer and my last year of college (and life). I'm also looking for some diet friends!