Stop weighing yourself every day. Its hard to do, but the scale can be misleading. Try measuring instead. You will see results better there.
Ive been watching old episodes of Dr. Who all night on my work shift. 12 fun filled hours of the Dr. & Rose :)
Be careful about not eating. My husband lost 155lbs in 5 months doing Keto. He has an issue where he thinks hes fat even though he isnt. He's 6'3 and weighs 225 atm. He stopped eating all together and started turning yellow due to malnurishment (sp). Just be careful. Eat anyway, there is a reason we need food! Btw, he was…
Oh, I might have to try these! Thanks!
Rasberries lemons and limes are all low carb friendly. Blackberries can be, IF you only eat a few.
Im not doing atkins as a specific diet but i am doing LCHF, you can add me if you'd like or veiw my diary. I do use a lot of Atkins meals/bars. They make low carb easy! :)
Ive noticed a few more break outs then normal but over all Ive noticed soften skin. Ive also noticed that I used to be the one in my family that caught EVERY cold, flu i came around and now Im the only one who Doesnt catch is...Keto is weird for my body lol
Same thing isnt it? At least in the stores around my area they are the same. If i want heavy cream I have to buy the heavy whipping cream (unwhipped, just liquid)
I started drinking diet soda's then phased them out with crystal lights. Now whenever I have juice or a reg soda I think it tastes gross. Ive never been a fan or reg water...Im trying to phase myself out of the crystal lights too...its hard! :)
YUP! .... :)
I would tell my husband.....
I can do awesome stuff with both hands, but I mainly use my right.
The grind sucks and it doesnt give much gold. But sadly its addicting. You get cool acheivements sometimes too.
I wouldnt mind
@walleyclan1 #11
Happy Birthday Kitty cat! Give her some cat nip treats :)
I played wow since launch. I stopped after i got to 90 in MoP. Real life got in the way. DARN YOU LIFE! I JUST WANNA PLAY VIDYA GAMEZ! now i sit at work and talk to you guys :sad: :bigsmile: :huh: :flowerforyou:
1.If it were intentional, he would have been convicted. Zimmerman did not wake up and think "hey im gonna go shoot some kid in a hoodie" So saying it was an intentional killing is completly wrong 2. If Zimmerman was not afraid why was he screaming? 3. Yes he sould have not followed him. However, that doesnt give TM the…
Didnt he have like a huge part of concrete? Pretty sure they had it as evidence to support the self defense claim
Im too new here to have a crush. If i had to pick anyone it would probably be Skewty...but only because he's already mine <3 ....There are a few mighty jaw dropping men and women on here.
Pretty sure I was born a nerd/geek. It's in my blood. Everyone should add me :)
Lol i had just finished telling a good friend that i HATED him with a beard. It made him look 20lbs heavy. I did however like him with a little bit of facial hair, like his goatee. No sooner did I tell him that, that i saw this article on Yahoo...ha ha
3 feet?! You faught a man who was 9ft tall? uhmmmmm you sure?? lol
Only if we can have the Dalek in on all the fun!
After I watched jumpers I wanted to be able to teleport...but only during 'fun' time with the hubby. Imagine how romantic that would be!
I sit behind a desk and wait for an error to come in, so i can route it to the right department for printing. We have a huge printing facility that sends out large corporations bills, info etc.
I only started playing wow to get in a guy's pants at work. He would always talk to the 'guys' about this damn game and i had no idea wtf he was saying. So i got the game and made an undead warlock right after release. I think it was a month later, Her name was Aurorafire. I played her for 5 years. We ended up breaking up…