

  • Best dessert EVER: one container of Fage 2% (NOT fat free) PB2 or Cocoa powder Stevia drops Oh my god. You can freeze it a lil' and it's even better than ice cream and under 200 calories. Super filling. Super clean. Super high in protein.
  • If it's your 21st I say you probably shouldn't track and just have a good time. :) But, usually, stick to one type of drink (not a mix drink) and remember how many you have. For example, get a vodka soda (which only has calories from the vodka and not the soda) and you can watch the bartender/ask to see if it's a double or…
  • How much your opinion changes on what you THOUGHT was a good picture. And what people say about you "when you were fat." Ouch. Like "no offense, but back then..." or whatever.
  • I am 5'1/2" and 102 pounds currently. Aim for anything below 1,200 when I'm not exercising. When I am, I usually eat SOME of my workout calories at least and sometimes all depending on how hungry I am. I try to eat low though because I am a heavy drinker and don't log my drinking calories. So if I only eat 900 or 1000 one…
  • I'm 5'1/2" almost 5'1". I've been sick the last month and unable to exercise medically, so I've gained a bit of weight. I'm about 102 right now, but aiming to get back down to 97 as soon as I can. Eating at/slightly below 1,200, but it's not really been getting me anywhere without exercising. When I exercise, I eat…
  • i really don't plan cheat meals...but one of the following (and it's only "cheating" if it's not in my calories, if it is, or i portion control, it's fine): a pint of ben & jerry's (mmmmhmm bonarroo buzz) caesar salad wrap nice, thin crust pizza pad thai lots of sushi nice pasta (caico e pepe, maybe)
  • eat really really clean when you're not drinking and cut down on carbs since alcohol comes with carbs. then order one of the following: vodka soda gin and soda/diet tonic rum and diet coke etc. basically the formula is hard alcohol and calorie free mixer. you won't stick out. if you're not drinking to get drunk and just…