

  • Hi, I mean this in the kindest way. You absolutely should not lose more weight. The fact that you think you are fat or should lose weight makes it seem like you have body-image issues (which I remember from my own youth). Working out is fine, toning is fine, but losing weight, no. I do think you should talk to a doctor who…
  • I keep mine open. I mean, face it, no one here knows me and moreover, I doubt anyone here would judge. I keep it open so that other people can get food ideas and see what one can happily eat within a certain calorie ranger. That is the same reason I look at other people's diaries. I'm pretty anonymous, so no one has…
  • Hi, I'm in my early 50's. A single mom with a couple of kids, one teenager and one "tween." I'm a freelancer who works mostly from home (New York City style). This is my first time trying a kind of get-in-shape thing. Technically I am within my "ideal" weight, but I weigh 20 pounds more than I did 20 years ago (and…
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