

  • Hi! I'm Donita & I understand that the tendency to get multiple sclerosis is hereditary as is the obese gene. I had a genetic study done for a small fee for research & I have the MS gene (which I do have) I also found out I have an obesity gene from my parents (who are both skinny) , the ALS gene etc. I really pray I don't…
  • I've been injecting myself with copaxone for 3-1/2 years, but I don't have indents - mine stick out a little :) but I wouldn't quit taking it for anything. It has made me have my mind back! I still have pain,but I have RA too & have shattered both ankles & cartilage disappearing in my spine so I expect it. But I'm still…
  • Hi! I've had multiple sclerosis/Lyme disease - it all started with Lyme disease, but it wasn't dx'd right away. Then I was told I had chronic fatigue syndrome, then dx'd with Sjögren's syndrome (by lip biopsy), RA, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, fibromyalgia and so it went until about 5 years ago, 17 years after getting really…
  • I'm very inspired by your story! I was 128 # when I first got sick. Then later after I got worse, I was already on disability and in the hospital for a month & suddenly up to 235#. Can you believe it? I've been up & down over the years since then. I gained weight from all the prednisone I've been on. I'm now down to 5 mg…
  • Yes, I only get that when I'm getting a flare up or if you are going through menopause, it could be hot flashes. See if you can get another neuro if yours will be gone awhile, just to see and ease your mind.
  • Hi! I've had Lyme disease to begin with & they didn't dx it for 6 months. Then they treated it, but by then I'd had seizures, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue etc. I still have latent Lyme. Then they dx'd Shogrens Syndrome & I've had a swollen gland in my goin armpit & both sides of my face. I've finally been dx'd with MS…