annenm416 Member


  • I'm traveling to a conference next week for three days; it'll be my 3rd week of keto/LCHF eating. Thanks for the advice, everyone!
  • Great; thank you MelRC117! I was planning to get some coconut oil today, as I've got to go to the store for more Torani syrup for coffee, and for flavoring the real fat bombs I plan to try to make this weekend. Will try the oil in coffee tomorrow morning. I'm so excited that this is working so well; I know a lot of week 1…
  • So far it's been hard to get enough fat due to decades of telling myself "You can't eat that! It's fatty!" So any sort of high fat, low carb and med-low protein snack would be good. I seem to be great at getting enough it's the fat itself that's lacking. I'm really liking low-carb/high-fat. I feel like I'm…
  • I've used lots of things over the years over the years: low fat, very low calorie, WW points, WW Points Plus, Slimfast, Medifast... My best successes were with WW Points and Medifast. Approaching 200# (with a normal weight of about 150) and feeling desperate, I tried the new WW and failed miserably. Medifast worked for me…