katesinternet Member


  • HI, I'm Kate and I've been knitting consistently for about 2 years now. I crochet a little bit. I was doing MFP by myself and let it slide. I'm hoping to stay more accountable to myself this time around. My end goal is about 20 pounds from where I am now (25 from where I started) and I would love to have the confidence to…
  • Start again. You have the advantage this time of recognizing how you feel when you undo your progress. Is that unhealthy snack or habit worth how yuk you feel right now?
  • My husband eats somewhat differently than I do. I'm not vegan by any stretch, but I try to go vegetarian a few meals a week. He insists on having meat at nearly every meal. On my vegetarian/vegan meal days, I'll throw a chicken breast or fish filet on the skillet for him and serve it along side his portion of the vegetable…
  • It gets dark here very early now (right at 5 PM). I take my dog and he doesn't seem to mind. I do not run though, but I do about 3.5-4 mph walking at a brisk pace. We stay off the hike/bike trail here after dark as it is nearly pitch black there. I prefer the residential to semi-residential areas with streetlights for…