

  • Congratulations! That's awesome. I plan to complete my first 5k this year as well. I too and solid and muscular and love the athletic look. In fact, i have a goal to compete in a fitness competition as well. (fyi, "fitness" looks like toned women, NOT He-Man").
  • Hey! I am 5'3 and i have weighed around 175 for the last couple of years. I started out at 175 in December and i lost 4 lbs during the Holidays. My goal was to NOT GAIN WEIGHT. So i felt very successful. My goal is to lose 30 lbs. I think 50 would be too much for me. But I will see what i look like when i lose the 30 lbs.…
  • i lost about 3 lbs from Thanksgiving to New Years. My goal was not to gain. I didnt over eat, but i did enjoy the "tastes of the season". i exercised about 3 times a week. So i'd say i was successful based on my goal. Now my goal has changed. It's about losing weight and sculpting my body. its time to really kick it in…
  • Hi, Im just getting started myself. Because I KNEW the holiday goody tables at work would show up! The best way to handle it is to pick and choose. For example, i avoided the triple chocolate cake, but i had homemade sweet and salty homemade candy. I did not have both! Also i checked the points on the cake first and i…