I really detest people who criticize others because they don't like what they like or do what they do. My sister loves liver. I do not. Some of you may find water "refreshing", but others like water as much as I like liver. Water doesn't taste "refreshing" to THEM and requires real effort to drink. The fact that it's "good…
Korean movies (and dramas) are light years ahead of anything we do in the US. Cyborg is awesome and Bi (Rain) is especially good. Rain is an amazing actor, singer, and dancer. He is one of the hottest men who has ever walked this earth. Good call, girl. Good call. : )
This debate about fruit is exactly why it is so challenging to make healthy lifestyle changes and why so many people eventually throw in the towel altogether. Most people know that in order to lose weight and keep it off they have to give up the yummy stuff they REALLY enjoy, or eat them sparingly at the very least. It…
Sorry, but nobody has ever gotten FAT by eating fruit. Candy, ice cream, cheeseburgers, Coke/Pepsi/Mountain Dew, pizza, mac & cheese, fried chicken, and chips? Absolutely. But strawberries, mangoes, peaches, bananas, apples, kiwi, apricots, melons, and grapes? No way. In fact, if you went on a 100% fruit diet you would…