losergood2011 Member


  • Anyone still here? Is there a horsey group? I have an OTTB who is 28 now - and doing ok but retired. I have a steady 7 year old paint that I love Blue boy and my new guy a bit more reactive and fun - Dakota a QH bay/gruella boy. He has very interesting color maybe even dark dun? - I look forward to hearing from you!
  • I don't but that is interesting. We waved mine around frantically, I put it in my pocket for a day and also used other methods to see if just moving my arm affected it. and nope - typing doesn't - knitting doesn't - but horseback riding makes it bonkers so I take it off then. Do you have it on your non dominate hand?
  • hmmm usually cheese and nuts put me over on calories. If you are not hungry I wouldn't worry about it or you could add some healthy fats (coconut oil, nut butters, avocados etc) that should get your numbers up.
  • Check with the doc before swimming. My PT says it twists the knee and is absolutely forbidden. However, Walking in the pool is good because it reduces weight load, biking is good as long as knee tracks, arm cycling is ok and eventually elliptical. I blew out my knee and am focusing on PT approved leg lifts to build muscle…
  • This is not light work. I don't a entry for farmwork. If I have a heavy day (haven't mucked out the mud pen until spring, put up 7 ton hay, spend a day at a clinic that requires lots of ground work and trot canter) then I adjust it. Mucking is a great workout - heavy lifting with shovel, rotation of spine and hips, lifting…
  • I eat more primal than paleo but yes to all the sites mentioned. I also Mark sisson's stuff!
  • I drink the shakes make mine with berries, powerade zero about 2-4 oz and one scoop of Jarrows unflavored although chocolate is ok. I just chug it. not my favorite but you have to learn to swallow the frog to meet your goals! gives me 22 g protein in a few mouthfuls and keeps my hunger at bay
  • Wow!! this string just makes me not want to communicate with anyone here!! Yikes!!!