

  • Where's the "like" button?!? LOL!
  • We may be twins! I have the same problem. Thankfully, I'm not a beer drinking, but man, oh man...champagne brunches really screw with me. Beer drinkers have Bellies, and I have a Champagne Belly. It's pretty gnarls. I'm in the process of doing those lipocavitation things to try and reduce it...I'm not really sure it's…
  • Found it! Besides the main ingredient water, the Fat Flush contains grapefruit that’s loaded with vitamin C to help your body turn fat into fuel. The tangerine increases your sensitivity to insulin, stabilizes blood sugar, and stimulates genes to burn fat. Cucumber helps you feel full and acts as a natural diuretic, which…
  • I've been doing this as well...I started last Tuesday. I tried to find the link that I got more information on, but I can't seem to find it. From what I researched, each one of the fruits provide benefits in assisting your body when digesting or cleaning the organs that help filter your food, I believe. The key is to drink…
  • I've been doing this as well...I started last Tuesday. I tried to find the link that I got more information on, but I can't seem to find it. From what I researched, each one of the fruits provide benefits in assisting your body when digesting or cleaning the organs that help filter your food, I believe. The key is to drink…
  • HELL. FREAKING. YES. If you have a gym membership to 24 Hour Fitness, I suggest going to the Body Pump class. It really shaped my rear...Boyfriend is amazed, as well as myself. Do lunges too. -With weights. But that class incorporates all of that, so I suggest taking that route. GL!
  • Wine has a lot of calories, granted vino is a healthier alcoholic beverage. But for me, I drink whiskey because I can get a good buzz with less fill. I know most people like to go out for wine or beers, but I generally stick to whiskey and water. For people who don't like brown drinks, it dilutes the strong taste, slows…
  • I'm the same way, so I try to use my calories wisely. It's probably not the healthiest thing to do, but I try to keep all my meals and snacks under 600 before I dive into dinner. That way I don't feel so guilty, when I know I'm going to over-indulge. Dinner is what I live for. The day meals I go with are Lean Cuisines…
  • My boss is really into this "Bullet-Proof" diet, and in doing so, has been created sauces and spreads using MCT oil. Being that it's essentially pure medium chain triglycerides, it's healthier than anything you can buy on the shelf. I would buy the oil and research recipes. Thus far he has made mayonnaise (perfect for your…