yorkshirekevin Member


  • Hi, On balance, I would say that it's worthwhile .... It got me back into the 'exercise routine' when I hadn't exercised in years, and wasn't 'ready' for the gym. Now that I'm fitter, 50lb lighter, and more confident, it's less useful as I go the gym, but I still use it on days where time is too short to get to the gym.…
  • Hi, I'd just like to echo all the other comments. You're not a failure; you WILL succeed! I started about 6 months ago; by weight loss to date is around 50lbs. Some days it's up, some day's it's down, but mostly it's down. I started on 1200 calories/day for the 'fastest' loss, and pretty soon my weight loss stalled .... I…
  • Start Weight: 231 lb Current Weight : 194 lb Goal Weight : 168 lb Time to achieve goal : not really thought about this, 6 months? Favourite exercise : a bit of everything, swimming, walking, rowing machine, strength exercises ... Food weakness : Real Ale! Weakest point of day: after a stressful day at weak .... time for a…
  • 3 more pounds lost! New, smaller, trousers bought. Hope everyone is having similar success :smile:
  • Good luck to 'new year starters' and those already on MFP. I started here 5 weeks ago after my GP gave me the 'you need to lose weight, you're at risk of this and that condition' warning. So far 8 lbs lost, with both my birthday and Christmas happening during that period! I'm trying to limit myself to the intake suggested…
  • Plucked up the courage to get weighed this morning; I'd actually lost 2lb!!!! :smile: Over ate on Christmas and Boxing Day, but resisted the temptation of the all the available chocolates (most of the time .....). Managed a hour in the gym, and half an hour swimming between 'weigh ins'. Good luck and success to all in the…