,,,and if you were...?? ;D haha just kidding. j yeah i get you.. id rather just chill with you love. haha
smile :)
to look sweet ^^
hello:) well, im chloe, and im a freshman in college strugling with freshman 15...ALONG with senior 20.. junior 15...sophomore 20...and, well, yeah you get the point... i need as much motivation as i can get, but i also would like to help other people reach their goals. feel free to add me:)
@stepc .. whats the story behind your working to be fit ?
im a vegetarian so i eat as healthy as possible.. an amazing chili soup that i make contains 1 can of beans 1/2 cup of onions 1 can of chopped tomatoes 2/3 small can of tomato sauce a pinch of salt (if you like, i hate salt) 1 teaspoon of pepper 1 spoon of garlic powder stir until its gotten a bit thick and add some…
a dolphin. they have sex at free will.
and wild cat is just to.. wild. she needs a man that can work with her ;)
@katis i love your hair ! and yes i am very ^^ and lol once again zeraus.. very successful with your weightloss dear. you look absolutely wonderful !
...swiftly aunt jemima came heroically
determinedd >D
girls night out :) .
oh my god your so cute you look like a sportsy tinkerbell!
very involved with the fitpal community ! jesus christ woman. ive seen you on nearly every post haha ! SLEEP
that sexy mustache youve got;) ahaha and thank you lily no not weird at all. i am a bit of an artist as well but thank you ^^
absolutely NO ONE except my best friend. ive known him since i was 5 and theres nothing i would ever hide from him<3
and your very pink<3
nice nice and that i am my love ! i love traveling<3
facial features !!<3 emma stone brunette .
shes too good for the rest.
how am i touristy lol im curious and OH HONEY You Show Them !
oh god shirt less and pantless <3
lol :) and very..pantsy.
jennifer - passionate for music:)
aawwwww and that made me all happy and jittery ^^ thank you, i am just that way<3
oh and dawnie ! very fun and family oriented