

  • I started 30 day shred a few months ago and only did 3 consecutive days and then got sick. I am ready to get back at it now! I am going to have my husband take before and after pictures so I can physically see the results. I hope that will give me the motivation to keep going. :) Wish me luck! btw- all that have posted…
  • What I've noticed through experience is my weight fluctuates depending on what time of the month it is. Right before and during my period I can weigh a couple pounds more than the last few days, but after you should see that go back down. I also notice one or two lbs go up if I take in a lot of sodium the day before. It…
  • I was always really thin growing up but once I hit 20 I started to gain weight if I didn't watch what I ate. I went from 120 to 171...and didn't really realize how big I had gotten until I got on the scale that day and saw 171 and thought "What am I doing!? This isn't me!" And decided, enough is enough and something has to…
  • • Gender: Female • Age: 27 • Starting weight: 140 • Current weight: 137 • Goal weight: 120 • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) I want to feel good in my own skin (lose weight) • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did…
  • I want both!
  • Hi my name is Beth. I live in Wisconsin and am newly married and just bought a house with my husband. I've gained a couple pounds and want to get ahead of the game and start now before it gets out of control. I started the 30 day shred about a month ago, but then ended up getting sick and fell out of the routine. I plan to…