

  • Advocare has been around for 20 years and is used by many professional athletes! The company is clearly doing something right and has changed lives just like weight watchers, jenny craig, etc.
  • It works long term if you keep up a healthy lifestyle and exercise duh.
  • Thats awesome! Keep up the good work! I am on Day 15 and have lost 7 pounds and seem to have hit a plateau. Thinking about buying the catalyst. Cant find many reviews on the internet about Catalyst but I have heard its lipo in a bottle haha. Who wouldn't wanna lose weight fast?? :)
  • I had always seen amazing before and afters of friends on facebook and finally decided to give it a try! So glad I did! People complain about how expensive the products are but you are not spending money on alcohol, going out to eat, and huge grocery bills! Its crazy how much you feel like you are eating throughout the…