

  • I always eat a healthy breakfast... some things I may have: - 2 piece of whole wheat toast with peanut butter and jam and milk - puffed wheat and shredded wheat cereal mixed together with blueberries or dried cranberries on top with milk - a healthy milkshake- frozen banana, frozen berries (or fresh fruit), milk and…
  • Example of what I eat in a day- Breakfast- puffed and shredded wheat cereal with dried cranberries, 1% milk Lunch- granola bar and fruit or veggies Supper- noodle, chicken, veggie salad Snack- apple
  • Half an apple
  • According to the calorie calculator you should get about 1782 calories to maintain your current weight. You do weigh very little so you could probably consume more calories and you would be fine. :smile: With your stomache, focus on core and ab exercises. A "V hold" is a very good ab exercise.