sweetheart03622 Member


  • It's definitely possible for you to get back to an 8 min/mile, but it'll take work! At this point, screw speed and work on endurance. Your best bet for building speed is to start with a strong endurance base. If you're currently able to run about 3 miles at a time, I would suggest running 3 miles Mon, Wed, Fri and then 4…
  • Not entirely true. First, your "target heart rate" is specific to each different workout. I have a certain THR for my speed workouts that's different from recovery runs and again different from long runs. But, your "fat burning zone" just means that a higher percentage of calories burnt are fat versus stored energy…
  • The "fat burning zone" is a range of HR where a majority of your calories burnt come from fat, versus stored energy. Above that is the "cardio zone" where the majority burnt comes from stored energy, versus fat. You are still burning calories and still getting a workout either way. My advice: don't think about it too hard.…
  • First and foremost, lead by example. Cook healthy meals and keep the junk out of the house. If she doesn't have the option to eat crap, she won't. Losing weight is 80% diet. As far as exercise goes, I would suggest limiting the time she spends on the computer per day. Do you have a dog? Can you make it mandatory that the…
  • I've got things covered on the wine front, I need help with the rest
  • I vote we make my wishes come true
  • Wine and oiled, half naked, muscly men
  • Greg looks hot! Please notify when more pics (another vote for less clothing!) become available ;-)
  • If you look at other countries where the health care is government run and completely NOT for profit, there is a major difference in the level of care available. Why is someone going to put themselves $200,000 into debt and study for years and years and years if they're not going to make a killing afterwards? If you want…
  • Corporate event planner
  • I have a date with two different girlfriends to go see this. In fact, I might have been on the magic mike fb page at work earlier. Eff yes.
  • Totally agree... I switched things up once I got deeper into distance running. Now I eat a static amount each day (2100) and perhaps a bit more on my long run days (maybe 300 more). That way, you're eating the same amount each day, but over the week, it averages out to be what I need for the net amount. I'm not sure if…
  • Best thing I've ever heard (my hair is so much like yours!) is to forget the cool setting. Diffuse it with hot air on a low air flow, and do it slowly. Put it in place and hold for 45 seconds, then move on. My hair looks GORGEOUS when I do this! Also, I use either frizz ease or moroccan oil plus mousse mixed with…
  • I just chopped half my friends list yesterday. Now, I'm done to only those that are supportive and I'm able to better support them. It's a win-win!
  • I'm a slower runner, my 5K miles are about 10 mins but my half marathon miles are about 13:15. Yes, the feels do go away for the most part but I still have days when I keep thinking about how much this running stuff sucks lol
  • I hate people that have nothing better to do than sit on the message boards and respond to EVERYTHING that is said with their super sarcastic "I don't care about the world" tones. Oh wait... GYM pet peeves... gotcha... I love the people that crank the treadmill up to an insane incline and then hold on for dear life and…
  • I was at a wedding on Friday and they did one (first one I had seen at a wedding before) and everyone got really into it. Aunts, uncles, and parents were giving $5 to the younger cousins to go dance - friends all got involved. Everyone had a great time!
  • Too much too soon. It's like going from eating cheeseburgers, fries, and milkshakes all day every day to just eating salads. It's too drastic and too difficult to stick with. There's no need to spend two hours at the gym. Shoot for a half an hour, 4-5 times a week. Do it for a month. If you feel like you can do more, then…
  • Don't stress. Do some reading when you have a moment on the message boards. Otherwise, do what you're doing until it stops working. Ge educated and then start making strides. At this point, just making a conscious decision to eat healthier will make a HUGE impact.
  • I try my best to eat at least 115g per day (please don't look at today, I'm sick as a dog lol). Yes, MFP sets it WAY low. Truthfully, going over on fat and/or protein isn't an issue. Keep your calories in line.
  • Don't say you'll start "today". Tell yourself today that you will start after memorial day weekend. Then, you have time to mentally prepare, get rid of any junk, etc. I do this anytime I need to "restart" or get back on track.
  • If you really won't have access to internet, get a paper and pen diary. If you can't get outside for a run, start your day with body weight exercises: push-ups, lunges, squats - and be extra mindful of your eating. You can do it if you stay focused.
  • I've tried them and I've gotten professionally waxed... SO WORTH THE MONEY. Go to a salon. Otherwise you're going to end up in pain with crummy results.
  • I've been doing it for about 2 weeks and have dropped a good deal of water weight and have not had any trouble at all following the eating plan. Before, I was binging constantly from under-eating all week. With this, I'm completely satisfied. I make sure I hit a minimum of 110g of protein a day and then use the rest of the…
  • I work in Chicago and there are a couple British tea shops that sell only British goods like chocolate, tea, etc. But, like most others have said, you can get a lot of the generic, common stuff just about anywhere. Cadbury is pretty much a way of life around here!
  • Uh - no. Not at effing all. It's one thing to just be messy (all men are messy) but EXPECTING you to clean his dishes is unacceptable. Him setting them down and just forgetting about them - every man does that. As far as meals go, if my BF doesn't like what I'm cooking then he finds his own food. Likewise, when he cooks,…
  • Depends on where I'm at in race prep... my long runs can be anywhere from 5 - 12 miles. My weekly runs typically don't go past 5. My guess is that you're running too fast. Slow it down a bit, run every other day, and try to add on an extra minute each time. You'll get there. At one point, I couldn't run 1/4 mile (like, 3…
  • Sounds like you want to lose weight just to look better, not to be healthier. Problem is, you'll probably never look the way you want without some exercise. Not mention it's good for you. Your body was made to move. You will enjoy it if you do it properly and consistently. I used to hate exercise - I couldn't run a lap…
  • Don't let yourself get too hungry! Travel with some healthy, easy snacks (I usually keep fiber one bars and almonds in my purse) to help prevent it. That way, you can be smart and make healthy decisions without having a growling stomach to fight. Otherwise, focus on being in the moment and stick with the active activities…
  • Am I the only one that totally isn't into that? Never seen a guy with the V that also isn't crazy skinny. Gimme some big, broad shoulders and a thick chest any day.