

  • I am one with over 100 pounds to lose. It's not going to happen overnight I learned. But after 20 days my weight has dropped about 15 pounds but I keep wishing I would see a physical change but don't expect to for a while still. I just focus on eating healthy, logging my food, watching my calorie intake, etc. You will get…
  • Add me anytime!
  • Yes! Great posts! Please feel free to add me if interested. I can use the motivation and I am and plan to be very active so if you add me I will stay in touch and we can all work together to motivate and inspire one another. Edited to add: I notice there are a lot of spam posts...glad this isn't one
  • Excellent posts. I am planning to pick a Fitbit One to start using. Have been steadily using MyFitnessPal for the past two weeks and finally taking losing weight serious. I the the One will help motivate me in conjunction with everything else I am doing. Thanks so much for the posts folks!