bezark Member


  • I do 1/2-3/4c plain greek yogurt with 1/2 a serving of chocolate whey protein, plus whatever berries we happen to have in the house- raspberries today. This is my "junk" food nearly every day lately. DH discovered the idea, and at first I thought it was crazy, but now I'm addicted.
  • Amazing! You look 20 years younger. You look like you could be your own daughter. :)
  • I quit in September using an e-cigarette and it is, hands down, the best decision I have ever made. I'm grateful literally every day. And it was EASY. I still don't know what took me so long or why I thought it'd be so hard. I smoked a pack or more a day for 14 years. "Couldn't" even quit completely through two pregnancies…
    in Any smokers? Comment by bezark May 2013
  • Chocolate banana smoothie - one frozen banana, one scoop of chocolate protein, 2 cups of spinach, 1 cup of water.