

  • My one friend had just recommended me to this diet since i want to lose weight fast. Her and her bf both did it for a week and each lost 5-10 pounds she said it works great! I am about to get myself on this diet as soon as i can!
  • I would love recomendations! Please! Thankyou
  • The thing is i cant join a gym because i have no way of getting their my parents work.. But the other thing i dont understand is how much exercise a day should i have? and are their anything that can help me with the healthy eating because i dont know how to actually eat healthy. i know i have to cut back on things and…
  • Thankyou. and also my daily summary says 983 CALORIES REMAINING Goal Food Exercise = Net 1200 340 - 123 217 Is this bad that i have 983 remaining? or should i eat the remaining calories.