

  • We make pancakes out of homemade oat flour. Basically that means we use the food processor to pulverize quick oats and make pancakes out of it. You can make a batch of it and keep it in an airtight container -- then you'd always have pancake mix. this is the recipe we usually use:…
  • Hello! I also have thyroid fun times! I have hypothyroidism and no doctor has been able to identify why -- I don't have hashimoto's or cancer, just a slow *kitten* thyroid. What's your TSH? What does you doctor want it to be? I found that one doctor wasn't up on the newest research on the ideal TSH level so I switched to a…
  • We made this over the weekend (using Better Batter) and it was amazing. Since we wanted the same toppings, we used 1/2 the dough in a 9inch cake pan.
  • I 2nd the nod to Gluten Free Girl and the Chef. I'm also a big fan of things found out Gluten Free on a Shoestring. We very rarely buy GF items in the store such as cookies or bread. I found that making them ourselves is both cheaper and tastes better. We normally buy bulk flours/starches from or, if we are out…
  • This is me as well. My celiac test came back negative, but I feel so much better when I am not eating gluten. I do occasionally have small amounts of it without many problems. I'm also not the best at making sure that things aren't hiding a bit of gluten. It's the big servings of things like bread, pizza dough, cookies,…
  • Hi All -- Also a newbie here. This is week three of GF for me. I am negative for celiac, but while reviewing my food journal, I noticed that when I ate a larger amount of wheat, I would have tummy problems. So far, I haven't really done much besides stopped eating the regular wheat things. I think we'll start experimenting…
  • Me too! I'm sorta new at MFP and while I'm really enjoying it -- I haven't really been using the community features very much and I'd like to.
  • Welcome! I think I need to be better about reaching out to make new friends through the community. I have a handful of IRL friends who I follow, but I'm always looking for more ideas and motivation -- so the more, the merrier. Feel free to add me too.
  • Hey everyone! I'm Jenn -- I live in Oak Park with my husband and work downtown. In the last 6 months, I've lost about 30lbs but have hit a bit of a rut and my bff told me about MFP. I've only been using it a few days and I really like it so far. I was semi-recently diagnosed with a condition that makes my body not process…