

  • Look at you go!!! W O W! :glasses: You should be SUPER proud of yourself! I'm proud for you! Did I say W O W?! Excellent work
  • I just got my surgery date - May 9. I will be off work for 2 weeks. I am very excited and anxious at the same time. Reading the posts in this forum has been INCREDIBLY helpful - thank you! My surgeon is not requiring a liquid diet for the 2 weeks before surgery, but they are requiring me to start my new nutrition plan. I'm…
  • I'm an Endomorph with an hourglass shape. I'm just starting, so definitely no after pics to post, but this thread has been really helpful. I often play with my food choices & ways to help my body along. Two things I've found that consistently work: Drinking unfiltered apple cider vinegar before a meal (3T max, but as…
  • I can really 'zone' out on the treadmill with my favorite music. I make sure to vary the incline & speed occasionally, but I focus on the music & it's fine. I like being able to zone out, not having to pay attention to where I'm going, or start thinking about how far I've gone so I can figure out when I've reached the…
  • I'd always heard about taking the "Christ" out of Christmas too, but I like your thinking *much* better! However, I am lazy, so I have been using "C-mas" - to keep the "Christ" in it. Just like I have lazy friends who will occasionally call me "G" or "Gabby" Ijs...