cwolfman13 Member


  • I had probably a little bit different tactic here than others. Over the long haul I kind of looked at it like I do work...if I work 7 days per week for months on end, I'm going to completely burn out...I need time off. I did the same when I was losing weight. For the first couple of months of my weight loss I was pretty…
  • I personally don't consider beans and rice to be "unhealthy" in the least. They are a staple of cultures all across the world. That said, if that's the only thing you're eating you'd likely find yourself malnourished in regards to overall micro-nutrition (vitamins, minerals, etc). Once upon a time, I was pretty broke and…
  • Whatever floats your doesn't matter and is 100% personal preference. Weight management ultimately comes down to calories in vs calories out over time. I'm personally a morning breakfast person, but "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" was just a Kellogg marketing ploy to get people to buy there new…
  • 2+ hours weight training is bad programming and a bunch of junk volume. It has nothing to do with taking proper rest's just bad programming.
  • Super old thread, but Biotin is just vitamin doesn't cause weight gain. It's found in all kinds of foods like eggs, bananas, milk, etc.
  • Depends really on what "workout" means...what exactly you're doing at the much running you're doing, etc. I personally don't have a single all purpose pair of shoes. I wear Nike Metcons for the gym. They have a solid, flat platform conducive for the weight room and doing squats, deadlifts, leg presses, and things…
  • Are you working with a treatment team? I can guarantee you that your weight loss has nothing to do with the fish oil. Fish oil is just an Omega 3 supplement which is recommended for most people since gen pop USA doesn't eat enough fish, particularly fish like sardines, salmon, and tuna. It is great for your heart health,…
  • I use Fitbod. It allows you to select gym or home equipment or calisthenics bodyweight only as well as selecting goals such as general fitness, strength, hypertrophy/physique, Olympic lifting, etc as well as your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced). I use it primarily for calisthenics work I do at home with my 13 year…
  • Most likely you selected a bad entry. The database is crowdsourced from other users and you need to vet your entries.
  • MFP is a pretty simple calorie counting app/site, and that's about it...that's it's purpose. I did a quick look on google play and the first thing that pops up is "Wall Pilates workout at home" and it's free.
  • This is pretty much terrible advice for someone with a serious medical condition. For one, over the counter supplements are completely unregulated. For two, anyone with a serious medical condition should be consulting their Dr. in regards to taking any over the counter supplements. For three, nobody should be weening off…
  • I'm thinking I missed it because my oldest was born in 2010 and my youngest in 2012 so we had some busy years during that time period. We also cut the cord in 2015 and only had Netflix for awhile along with our antennae, but mostly used the antennae (and still do) for sports. I only discovered it because I was looking for…
  • Not to worry, you're not going to really bulk up with a beginner program...they are more of a guidance thing and just help you be more efficient with what you're doing and give you a plan going in. Bulking up is a very deliberate thing with very deliberate programming (typically 5-6 days in the weight room) as well as a…
  • I primarily use the gym for the weight room...occasionally I will use the pool or pop in for a spin class. You don't have to spend tons of time in the gym to get results...what matters more is your programming and whether or not that programming is commensurate with your goals. In many cases, it's not a matter of not…
  • Grimm... I have no idea why I've never heard of this show until very recently. It ran from 2011 - 2017 and was nominated for a couple of Emmy Awards. It's a fun combination of fantasy, fairytale, suspense, and drama. It's one I watch on my own as my wife isn't interested. My wife and I just finished the limited series…
  • I'm not a bodybuilder and haven't done bulking and cutting cycles since I was in my early 20s, but I'd say 250 calories less than your maintenance level of calories. I've seen guys go up to about 1 Lb per week (500 calories less than maintenance) with that little to lose, but there nutrition is precision, very high in…
  • What you're doing is 100% fine. I would wager that the main priority right now is to get the weight off and get your body moving some, which it seems you are.
  • I know a few bodybuilders and physique competitors...they don't cut with water fasts. They may do something like that literally a couple of days before a show but that's it. Also, drinking only water would be a calorie deficit...a massive one. Large calorie deficits burn muscle as well as fat so if you're doing bulking and…
  • I would just eat right around maintenance and get on a solid lifting program and be consistent and patient with it. This is called my day we just called it "getting in shape". I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that at this point you likely do not have the requisite knowledge to do bulking and cutting…
  • No...a "cooked" entry is just going to be for the weight of the chicken after cooking the weight will be less than raw because it's lost water in the cooking process. You'd want to log the cooking oil separately. Also, this isn't an exact science...trying to make everything 100% perfectly accurate is an exercise in…
  • My wife and I eat dinner later in the evening...usually around 7:30 or 8. I usually have a late afternoon/early evening snack around 4 or 5 which is planned into my day. I'm not usually home until around 6PM at the earliest and sometimes as late as 7 or 7:30 if I go to the mediation center or the gym. After dinner I…
  • Assuming your bulk actually did what it was supposed to and added muscle mass to your body...why would you want to blow it all up and negate those gains with water fasting, inadequate calories, and inadequate protein? When you cut after a bulk you want to do it slowly (small calorie deficit), with plenty of protein and…
  • Keep your diary and note the things you're eating that have added sugar and cut back on those things. It also depends on why and what your consumption looks like. When I started keeping a diary I noted that my consumption of added sugars was overall pretty negligible so I stopped tracking it altogether and started tracking…
  • Exercise burns calories. Yes, swimming burns calories. Everything you do burns calories...just being alive burns a *kitten* ton of calories. You burn fat when your calories coming in are less than your calories going out. Fat is just stored energy and you burn stored energy when you expend more energy than you take in.…
  • I'm a Garmin guy
  • You would still need to contact customer support. They don't read these posts, the community forum is just regular members.
  • I don't think the "work hard" part is being missed. All of this needs to be be tempered by certain realities, the mind and hard work can't overcome everything...IMO, it's fairly limited. Manifestation and hard work aren't going to make someone an elite pro athlete (as an example) without inate athletic ability among other…
  • I would start with the American Diabetes Association website. They have an entire page dedicated to nutrition and meal planning. This is primarily a calorie counting site and while you may get some good recommendations, you're also likely to also have to filter out some nonsense and otherwise bad advice.…
  • My maintenance calories have been variable depending on how active I am mostly. For much of my maintenance I was heavily involved in endurance cycling so I spent a ton of time on my bike and I could pretty much eat whatever and sometimes that still wasn't enough, particularly if I was making efforts to stay on the more…
  • Agreed. I practice daily meditation...I don't snarf my food down...I go to bed at 9:30 and am up at 6am and sleep well most of the time...I live in the desert at over a mile high and have carried a water bottle with me always since I was 13 and keep hydrated and I still gained 20 Lbs over the last 3 years.