

  • I use the daily burn. I like it
  • I have asthma and I notice that my lungs feel like they are burning and I start to wheeze if I get to a certain point. However, I found that with my exercise I can go longer in runs and climbing steps. My lungs get used to the exertion and I can go longer. I have always had asthma so I can't tell you what it feels like for…
  • I have a suggestion. I work 9-5 but I am up and moving from 6 am and home at 6pm so that's 12 hour days. This does not include other activities that I have that could extend my days another 3 hours. I have 2 breaks and one lunch. During that time I get up and I move. On my breaks I walk up to the top floor and then back to…
  • I see it like this. If people are in the gym spending time worrying about new people appearing, then they aren't that committed to what they are doing in the first place. When I there I work out. I notice the new people but I don't say anything else but I am glad you made it. It's your health and your time. Make it count
  • Thanks. I have been diagnosed with this issue. It flared up again because I had abdominal surgery and I had to rest for a few months. When I started working out again I had issue because I had no core support. I am working to build my core now and my gym has a rowing machine too. I will start in it soon, nice and slow and…
  • Hi. I just signed up for the daily burn and it's been my first week. I am doing the Cardio Sculpt program. Did you stick around past the 30 days. How have you liked it?
  • I agree with everyone here and I would also add to include weight training NOW. Don't wait until you are close to your goal to start. This will minimize your loose skin and move you along at a great pace.
    in Loose skin Comment by bklynite July 2014