EquineSunshine Member


  • Rebekah, there are lots of other things you can do for cardio besides running or walking. Ellipticals are low/no impact as is cycling. Ask a doctor, physical therapist or personal trainer what would be good for your specific hip condition. My gym has something called a Jacobs ladder which is like climbing a ladder,…
  • You're on the right track, graduating from steady cardio to more interval training, but you may be going too hard right off the bat. Kinda like the New Years fitness kicks that only last a month because people go all in from the start instead of working up to it. I'm in my mid 40's and I used to do just a lot of steady…
  • Yeah, I agree I don't like adjustable DB's. My husband bought a set but for the reasons you stated about the rods sticking out and because it's a pain to change the weight trying to do ascending or descending sets, I don't use them. Not weird questions at all. I completely understand what you're talking about.
  • As long as it's consistent, it doesn't really matter that much. That being said, I think my digital scale is correct on weight, but definitely not on that body fat thing it's supposed to do by measuring electrical resistance.
  • What are you doing with your nutrition? Eating enough protein to build muscle? It's not just calories burned vs calories consumed (which is all I used to worry about). 80% of doing a transformation is diet, 20% exercise. You need enough carbs to give you the energy to do the exercise, but too many turn to fat. You need…
  • Just think about what your day looks like, excluding your actual tracked workouts. The way I figure it: Sedentary would be sitting all day without any opportunities to go up and down stairs or walk from one area to another. Lightly active would be working in an office where you are on a computer a lot, but have to go down…
  • I have an Apple Watch and I love it, but I would never claim it's worth the price if all you want is a fitness tracker. I love it for all the things it does (I didn't expect the fitness rings to be that motivating but they are) but as a HRM or fitness tracker I'm sure there are better ones out there. I completely agree…
  • Olive Garden actually does sometimes have some healthy menu options. I haven't been there in a while, but they've had grilled chicken and veggie meals in the past that were delicious! Not in a "well I can't really get anything I want to eat because I'm watching calories" way but in a "wow I really want to come back and get…
  • You said "I'm afraid they pretty much did" but actually no they didn't just change the dollar sign for a pound one. If they had, it would be starting at £349 for the Sport, £549 for the Watch, etc. which would be a much higher price with the exchange rate. Also you said that is including VAT? The USD price is not including…
  • Hehe, when I started writing that LOOOOONG post, the most recent post on this thread was September 11. While I was writing/editing JoMFrasca came on and asked the question I'd come here to ask originally and woke up the thread. :smiley: kristinegift, I agree I would prefer a mini phone over the enormous ones they are…
  • That is actually the point to me. I have never known Apple to deliver a "meh" product. They may or may not have the very first on the market of a particular technology, but they d*** sure get it right when they do make it. Think about the difference between the "first smartphone" (Blackberry) vs Apple's first iPhone. Is…