

  • Hey All, I didn't manage to lose the whole 9 pounds but I got to 6 at the end of the challenge so I am happy. Thanks for starting this and now we need another one!! Perz
  • Its great to see the progress you guys are having. Tracking on MFP has been great so far and so has been being a part of this community.. it is great motivation to stay on track. Here' my progress Start: 71.5 kg Week 1 7th Jan: 71.1 kg Week 2 14th Jan: 70.7 kg Week 3 21st Jan: 70.4 kg Week 4 27th Jan: 70.1 kg So, not sure…
  • Hi guys, I am 25 and 156lbs (post all the wedding feasting at my big fat Indian wedding late last year). I am aiming to lose 1-2 lbs per week so that I can be 145 or thereabouts by valentines day. Really need to ramp up that exercising!