kkzmom11 Member


  • i want to quit FB, not because i don't want to be in contact with family and friends, but i don't like the stuff in my news feed some times.
  • Hello, I'm Jessica. I am returning to this group. I stink at being consistent with my plan. However, since I have figured out the best plan for me (Intuitive/Mindful Eating), I am getting better with my consistency.
  • This is what I need to do, but I HATE having pictures taken of me. :'(
  • you are such a wonderful role model for your boys. they, and you, will live long healthy lives. I applaud everything you have done and your bravery for leaving a bad relationship.
  • I change what eating plan i am going to follow almost daily (low cholesterol, atkins, south beach, mediterranean, etc). Gets my husband mad, but i just can't stick with one plan. So, now i am focusing on intuitive eating.
  • not in any way, shape or form. first, you aren't consuming enough calories. 1200 minimum daily for women. 2nd you need carbs (brown rice and such). 3rd you should be aiming for no more than 2 lbs loss each week, and the closer you get to your goal weight (or your current weight) the more difficult it's gonna be to lose…
  • hello Kimberley. I'm Jessica, 43 from Ohio. If you would like to be my friend, i always appreciate having more.
  • IMHO, i don't follow any specific eating plan. I choose to work on eating appropriate portions of anything i want along with regular activity. When I got married I didn't buy a dress too small, i bought one that just barely fit and tried to be healthy to stay in it. My husband loves me as a healthy person, not one that…
  • I agree with many that say it's better to fit the "cheat" foods into your daily calorie range. I wouldn't be willing to wait until my "cheat" day to have what i want. and when i am maintaining my weight, i want to be able to just have a plan, not wait for one day to eat whatever i want. that wouldn't help me at all.
  • YUP. my excuse is that i've had a long day at work and I have a dog that hasn't seen me all day.
  • not exactly sure, beagle basset mix?
  • i have the 4.4.1 version. i don't have the current version.
  • 43 female 4'10" CW 174.4 GW 135 married with furry children desk job in call center animal lover in Cincinnati, OH intuitive eater, not really following any "diet"
  • I am married, and happily so. So, if my husband is flirting with me, I'm all for it. If it's someone I know and they know I'm married and it's just to be funny, it's okay. If i don't know the person, meet my husband and then buzz off.
  • hello all. new to this group. i have been a native nat'ian for most of my life, with the exception of a handful of years. it's my home and i don't see myself living anywhere else. I don't exercise like i should and i don't eat healthy all the time. but i am doing better. my current eating philosophy is intuitive/mindful…
  • i pay attention to what i am eating, not measuring portions most of the time. i listen to my body. i have a desk job where i am not in a private office and i am tethered to the phone all day. so, i stand up and do some stretches. i will move around so that i am "dancing". I take the stairs whenever i can and walk to the…
  • hello all. new to this group. I have been noticing that i have been overindulging recently with the beer and/or wine. I don't consume anything else but those 2 types of alcohol. I know most of it has to do with my not liking my job recently. However, I have noticed waking up with a mild headache each morning (no, it's not…
  • I agree with many that say "it's her problem, not yours". If you are happy with your progress, that's what matters. She will either come around and be happy for you, or jealous that she isn't being supportive.
  • no, especially since i am married. but even then, i wouldn't date anyone online. LOL
  • My device isn't syncing with the dongle or site at ALL. i've had the flex for less than 5 months and i am experiencing the same issues as i had with the One from years ago. I am very angry that i spent so much $ on this device and it is failing again.
  • I don't know any of you, and I am not a professional health anything. however, based on what i read, 10 lbs in a month is NOT doable or healthy. whatever the reason for the specific date, OP, just be as healthy as you can. bump up the exercising instead of just relying on the eating.
  • "skinny" means different things to different people. to me, skinny is being too thin. so, i want to be slim, but not skinny. i want to be healthy first and foremost. according to the BMI scale, if i was to weigh 115, i would be "normal". however, in order for that to happen, i would have to be on the Biggest Loser ranch…
  • so, usmcmp, are you a certified personal trainer, or are you just spouting stuff that you think people want to hear. I agree with some of your things, but not all.
  • i agree with this. eat small portions of what you want, get some exercise in, and don't worry about the rest of it. the key, i've learned, is learning to enjoy special days and making allowances for days that haven't been planned. I am going to two thanksgiving dinners in a row. so, i know that i will want to enjoy some…
  • i read a lot of things about nutrition, fitness, and losing weight plans. but i always focus on the "calories in vs calories out". regardless of my thoughts and $ spent on this plan or that plan and my desire to try them, i am smart enough to know that it's calories in vs calories out that will get me what i want. but…
  • i would NOT ask her how "so and so diet" is going, as others have said. when SHE brings it up, you can ask. not until then.
  • I agree with many others in that your sister has to want to help herself. you can't make her. you can show her your healthy habits and hope that she asks you to help. that's as far as you can go. I feel for you, though. I would want to do whatever i could to get her to be healthy.
  • someone please explain to me the difference between "sensitive" and "normal" for the sleep tracker settings? There is about a 7 hr difference in the reading between the 2. the sensitive says i sleep an average of 2 1/2 hours a night, and the normal says i sleep an average of 8 hours, both showing i have been in bed for…
  • what about having a piece of fruit or cheese or something small? that way, your breaking the fast of the night, but you aren't eating a whole meal.
  • the great thing about this country is most things are your choice. regarding having ANY surgery done, especially cosmetic, outside the USA, i wouldn't. i realize it's less expensive, but there aren't the same regulations. i have heard too many horror stories about surgeries gone bad. if i was in that situation, i would…