

  • Love that tip. Can't wait to carry around a huge sack of flour and think of this. :) Thanks!
  • I have congenital arthritis in the knees but it actually isn't so bad. The main problem is the cartilage in my left knee. It was damaged about 10 years ago and I had surgery to repair it. It was fine for 5 years and then became chronically inflamed. The traditional treatment is, you guessed it, NSAIDS, but like you, I…
  • Hi -- I've been where you are many years ago. I also didn't then have access to a gym. Here's what worked for me: 1. Yoga/Pilates. It's amazing how much you can strengthen your muscles simply by supporting your own body weight. There's a bunch of wonderful yoga/pilates dvds. 2. Small free weights: 3 lbs and 5 lbs. If…
  • Hi Bett -- I'm definitely into "whole foods" -- partly because I was lucky to grow up in CA (cheap fresh fruits/veggies all year round) and partly because I love to cook. Recently, I've begun making my own artisan bread using wild yeast (sourdough). Much healthier (no preservatives, sugars or fats) and easier to digest.…