Wow! Although I have to admit, that is a darn beautiful before pic also!!! So cute and your happiness just shines through all three pics. Congratulations on your loss!
Awesome job!!! You look so happy! :)
Once Upon a Time Grimm Modern Family Those are the only ones I watch regularly. I have also been kind of hooked on GCB's but only because I am living in Dallas, Texas. If I wasn't, there would be no way in hell I would watch it!
first at 30, second at 33 I really wanted to have kids before I turned 35... but that was my personal preference. Part of the reason I don't want a third is because I hit 35 in April!
I looked at the website, and it looks there is one in Denver/Lakewood.
Absolutely incredible!!!!! Great job!
I think I might be your twin!!! CW: 146 GW: 130 Height 5'5" Age:34 Just about! :P
Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce, for sure!!!! Great on everything from pastas to eggs, to meats!!!
Love steel cut oats! You can also make these the night before in a slow cooker in a 1-3 ratio of oats to water... Really super easy and it is ready when you wake up! No reheating necessary!
Wow. I learned something new today. Now, how the heck to I unlearn this?!
Oops! SOrry about that! I would try and run a little longer at your normal 5.2! Even if it is just 6K or so! Good luck! You're going to kick butt with that 8K!
Dang, girl! You are busy! I was a teacher and plan to go back in the fall, but I am taking some time off because we moved and I needed some time to get settled here. I also have two kiddos (4 and 2). I do really like not having to work this year, though! It is the hardest thing to work, take care of kids, grade papers,…
Oops! Didn't mean you!!! I meant people who don't want others in the gym bc it makes it crowded!
Jan is a great time to join! Lol! Seriously, let's not be fitness snobs here!
But, it sounds like the blogger chooses to exercise her right to breastfeed in public as well and probably just as often. Good luck with all your future plans and hope that they turn out for the best.
Well, please consider that most breastfeeding moms do NOT want to breastfeed in public because they are super conscious of other people's feelings. Many already have said it, but it is mortifying. A little understanding both ways would help.
[/quote] Is that what you're doing? Stepping outside your comfort zone and trying to think about what others are saying? Or are you just trying to point out how people who think differently than you are wrong? [/quote] Well, you did say that you don't put yourself in situations that make you uncomfortable. And, I have been…
Well, wasn't the point of this thread and your original question to get different perspectives? Isn't that when we learn when we step out of comfort zone and try to think about what others are saying? [/quote] Definitely - I wanted to see what others' opinions are on the subject. I didn't expect my one question to spiral…
Well, wasn't the point of this thread and your original question to get different perspectives? Isn't that when we learn when we step out of comfort zone and try to think about what others are saying?
This coupled with your North vs. South comment makes me think you have a hard time stepping out of your comfort zone. Basically, you really like everyone around you to have the same opinion and culture as you?
I actually think that men don't care as much, actually, especially ones who are dads. I saw lots of posts by men saying they don't really care. Like a breast is not such a big deal.
The best laid plans of mice and men!
Wow. Are you serious? Is this because of the Civil War?
I still find it revealing that many of the people who are uncomfortable with BF in public are young women. I don't see a ton of young men here. I feel bad for the girls who are so uncomfortable with BF! It really is not a big deal! Especially, after you've been through labor and had part of your body examined and put out…
I wish that breastfeeding was the hardest, most uncomfortable part about being a parent. (It was tough and I was glad it was over!) To tell the truth, I would breastfeed all over again if it mean not having to help my kid through middle school cliques, heartbreaking relationships, even just trying to explain to my four…
Not to mention sleep deprivation, the constant worry, never being able to go the bathroom uninterrupted, cleaning up all kinds of bodily fluid, having to make dining choices for the kids. Parenting is not for the selfish!
Um, if you are worried about your comfort, definitely do NOT have kids. lol!
AND she is calling breasts "tits." Classy.
Totally agreed. I really felt like the cover is more for the mom who feels too exposed rather than for everyone else. Nothing announces to the world that someone is breastfeeding than a cover!
I know, right? How much covering is acceptable? I sometimes think covers draw attention to the breastfeeding, also. Even if it is a cute cover.