

  • My mom took me shopping for a new suit to celebrate a new job. Clerk at Store #1: "What size are you? A 6?" Me and Mom: Giggle helplessly. "I don't think so. Maybe a 10, maybe an 8?" Three size 6 suits fit. She even made me try on a dress shirt in a SIZE TWO, and I could get it on! Clerk at Store #2: "What size are you? A…
  • Hula hooping! For real! I'd never been able to do it, but I took the kids to a bouncy castle place at New Years, and they had some. On impulse I tried it, and I could do it. And it was a riot!
  • Way to go! As others have said, you look great! I also started out at 172, and am shooting for 130. I'm a little taller, 5'5" and a little older, but have similar goals. Right now I'm at 139 -- a huge milestone, below 140, for the first time in at least 9, probably closer to 10 years. I took off the first 25 lbs in 15…
  • How do you feel about fruit? It is higher in calories than vegetables, but lower -- and much healthier! -- than most processed foods. Fruit gives you many same fiber and vitamin benefits as vegetables. Another possibility is one I heard at the only WW meeting I've ever attended. They recommend 5-8 servings of fruit & veg…
  • It has been a long, slow journey here! I'm 5'5 and 43 years old. Starting: 9/2011, 172 Current: 12/2012, 142 Goal: 130 I've gone from a size 14 to a size 8, and I've lost 8 inches around my waist. For the first year, I did it almost entirely on WW, through diet, but not exercise. Since August, 2012, I've started very…
  • I don't do resolutions, but every year, I create a possibility for the coming year. In 2012, it was "inspiring results" -- and although my goal was to lose 42 lbs, and I only lost 30, I still feel inspired by those results! Also, my mother and I started training to do a triathlon next summer, for her 70th birthday. Plus a…
  • What makes me crazy is when I get the "your body is going into starvation mode!" red message when I've eaten 1197 calories for the day. Really? 3 calories under and you're warning me that I'm going to starve?
  • I've never been able to work out at night, but once my little ones were old enough to sleep through the night most nights, I started getting up ridiculously early to work out. If your child won't stay in the stroller, is he or she small enough to wear in an Ergo? (~3 or younger). Any time you spend with a 3 year old…