I have lost close to 20 lbs and only people who see me occasionally (like every 6 wks) are noticing it yet, and them just very recently. People who rarely ever see me, and people who see me really frequently, like daily, haven't yet. In my prior experience with weight loss it took a 25-30 lb loss before the moth to flame…
Way to go. Inspirational!
Really really great job!
Ontario, Canada
Good for you! You are taking steps to make changes and that is where it has to start. My advice is that your measuring spoon and measuring cups are your best friends. It is so so easy to go over by just eye-balling vs. measuring, or from using heaping measurements .. for ex, if you think you measured out a cup of a food,…
Amazing transformation! Congratulations on a winning game plan, and for the inspiration!
I'm in my 50's and just joined today. I've heard some great things about this site.