bap2011 Member


  • Here is the place I got my info from:
    in Frame Size Comment by bap2011 June 2013
  • Here is the recommendation for me based on height and sex: Results: According to your height of 5' 5" your ideal healthy weight is 134 pounds. Your recommended weight range is between 119 and 149 pounds. I am large framed, and have weighed 135 before. I was skin and bones. You could see my ribs. 149 is probably closer to…
    in Frame Size Comment by bap2011 June 2013
  • I am a tea drinker not a coffee drinker, but I feel for you. The coffee you describe is not coffee, it's liquid dessert :) As a new diabetic, I have had to give up frivolous sugar by necessity. Really, once you get used to living without sugar, sugar is way too sweet. My sweeteners of choice that really taste good to me…
  • For people with medical issues, sometimes you can't just "eat less and exercise more". When I just did "eat less exercise more" after my last baby, I was able to lose 20 lbs but could not lose an ounce more - I still had 40 lbs to go before I was a normal-for-me weight. I have never been able to get that off, and my last…
  • I don't know if this is in your budget, but try Curves. It is pretty low impact, and has weight training too. I was 250 lbs and 5'4" and it really helped. I got myself down to 180 without dieting. The good news is it's only 30 minutes and never hurt - ever. The bad news is that I quit Curves after 3 years because the…