Pitoufo Member


  • You did good for a first marathon. Half is still a marathon. Congratulations!
  • I did my first half this spring. The advice I got from my coach was to choose a strategy and stick to it. So my strategy was to run a negative split. Since it was my first I picked 2:30 pace for the first 10 km. I accelerated the for the rest of the run. I liked passing by other runners at the end instead of feeling…
  • I do most long runs alone. I prefer without music for security reason. I tried for the last 2 to listen to an audio book and liked it. After having done the training for 2 half and preparing for a third one in October, I realize that I actually love these long runs. My preference is to run on a trail by the river and enjoy…
  • Just getting back from my running clinic. As others have already wrote, we were told by the instructor that there is no need to eat during a 10k. As bstamps wrote, Chocolate milk was recommended after a half marathon or a long slow run over 6 miles. Soya and Almond chocolate drink were also mentioned. Again, best to take…
  • I use runtatstic. It is close to what I measure with my polar. It offers the advantage to copy my calories in MFP wich I like since it reduce time of input. I find also that the machine overestimate at low level of effort.