xiaowun Member


  • Having been the fat girl since I was about 8 it's hard for me to see myself as thin. Especially, as another poster mentioned, when in a swimsuit where all my lumps and bumps still stand out. I still have about 20 pounds to lose and a lot of toning that needs to be done to get to where I'd like to be, but I can say that the…
  • For me logging my food and measuring is key. If I'm not logging I'm overeating. If I'm not measuring my food (i.e. 2 tbsp of creamer with my coffee, not just eyeing and assuming I only poured in 2 tbsp because the color looks right) I'm overeating. And I don't deprive myself of food I love. I just don't eat it nearly as…
  • "Are you ordering skim milk because you're pregnant?" And when people tell me I'm too skinny I just tell them they haven't seen me naked - shuts them right up.
  • I weighed 168 when I became pregnant with my first and weighed 224 when I delivered. I lost almost 44 pounds immediately (I was down to 185) and then I just stopped losing weight. I did WW and got down to 139 right after my baby turned a year. Became pregnant with my second at 139 and delivered at 199 (I was determined to…
  • Talk to your doctor and listen to your body. I have to give up running when pregnant because the impact causes contractions. But I know ladies who have run 5Ks while pregnant - everyone's body is different. Your doctor will be able to give you safe guidelines to follow.