sxyktn_812 Member


  • I would definitely watch adding the Chia seeds, nor would I promote it. A 1 oz serving (a little under 2T) has 12 g of carbs in most brands, which is WAY outside the guidelines that are allowed on MF. Be careful about mixing up low glycemic and low carb!
  • You can have as many of the CRUNCH (yellow wrapper) bars as you'd like towards your 5 during the day. It's the green wrapper maintenance bars that are limited to once per day because of their higher carb count. :)
  • ^^^This. If you get a flat tire on your car, do you just say "oh, to he** with it", get out, and slash the other three for good measure? Perfectionism has been scientifically proven as one of the major downfalls of overweight people. Besides, there are plenty of foods that I'm sure you think are healthy for you that really…