

  • I suggest checking out Oxygen fitness mag... The articles are written by trained nutritionist, personal trainers/exercise science people who have an actual degree in this type of field. You can even google the author's name and find out their level of education and background. I have been consistently impressed with their…
  • Do you need to purchase specific equipment with Jillian's DVDs? I'm interested in attempting her dvds...
  • My family and friends are very supportive once I explained that my family has a very high rate of heart disease and I am trying to minimize/avoid having that issue altogether. They tend to band together because they don't want to see me sick! So, maybe try to explain that you aren't losing to look "prettier" but for your…
  • I finally made the first step and joined tonight! I am 36 years old and I have yo-yoed all over the place with my weight. I'd like to learn how to lose the weight and keep it off in a healthy manner. I definitely could use a friend! :smile: I don't know if I will be in constant contact at the moment. I'm currently…
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