Telecide Member


  • I just started doing that this round of skinnifying. I used to stay away from the scale until the weekly weigh-in because I didn't want that unexpectedly high number to discourage me. But now I'm taking a totally analytic approach and it's kind of interesting watching how different foods, activity patterns, etc. affect the…
  • Yeah, some time ago I started formulating the idea in my head that an Alli cheat day would be the perfect crime. I tend to be an all-or-nothing guy so, while my daily diet is very disciplined, my cheat days can be cataclysmic. I figured just load up on alli and let all that pizza and ice cream just go through me. But after…
    in Alli? Comment by Telecide January 2013
  • I get that. I just don't understand how this advice can ever result in greater fat loss if the increase in metabolism is more than offset by the calories themselves.
  • Interesting stuff! The post hit on something that always bothered me about the eating more to lose more fat idea that is so ubiquitous on boards like these. Yes, the body will down-regulate metabolism in response to calorie restriction, but never enough to offset the calorie restriction. So when someone complains they are…
  • 4494 That is the amount of calories in a half gallon of Coldstone Birthday Cake Remix ice cream. My cheat days will usually include one of those, a large pizza, hot wings, maybe a burger, peanut butter cups or peanut butter m&ms if there's room. They can easily reach 8000 calories, which is almost a week's worth for me.…
  • I used to down 8 to 10 Mountain Dews a day. Basically couldn't start the day with a Dew and a cigarette. Quitting soda is a lot easier than cigarettes. You have fairly intense withdrawal symptoms for a few days, but then they're gone. I know water probably seems unacceptable to your palette now, but try it for a few days.…
  • I always hated squats. They hurt my neck and I could never seem to increase the weight I was using. Then I read Starting Strength by Mark Riptoe, which has about sixty pages dedicated to proper squat form. I really enjoy them now, and I'm actually putting more weight on the bar, still less than my bench though. I've heard…
  • We all have moments where our immediate wants seem to eclipse our greater wants. But I think if you log everything you at least keep one foot planted in the world of sanity. And you also get some useful data. When I slip it tends to be epic (large pizza, hot wings, 1/2 gallon coldstone birthday cake remix ice cream). Last…
  • Yeah, everyone there knows the feeling of starting out, and the unsureness that accompanies it. So you can probably expect most folks to understand where you're at and be encouraging or helpful. I suppose there could some jerk going "a woman lifting weights??? What's next? Women astronauts???" But that's pretty unlikely.…