

  • NV diet pills worked wonders for me,lost 10 pounds after 1 bottle.
  • Well I don't have an eating disorder which is a given.
  • I get them checked every other month,because I'm so weak,but they've never said anything is wrong,they've ran tests for other things,and all is well,I guess I am just weak,but it's still being checked to make sure nothing is worsening because I am almost on the "low side or normal" for my vitamins.
  • Generally when I eat more I tend to feel really sick. I eat plenty of peanut butter,as well as tofu when i get the chance,I've been vegan since I was 8 years old,I know how to get my proteins,it's just not always the easiest to get all I need ! Thanks for referring me to the thread,I've read it,and it's a bit confusing but…
  • I have 27 piercings,I have a ton of horror stories!!there are "retainers" you can get,they're clear if you're worried about it closing.if you've had it pierced over two weeks,you'll be fine!
  • Yes I am currently on a 1,000 calorie a day diet,providing I can get up to that,I eat what I can,when I can,I do my best not to go over 2,000 since I'm trying to lose weight.I don't get as much protein as I should,I take a vegan protein shake in the morning and I take multivitamins designed for vegans. My reason for being…
  • I don't make him eat what I eat,he still eats meat,just I don't and he's always wanting to share meals with me,it's costly and time consuming to make separate meals all the time,so in a way,we're both compromising,I was doing wonderful on my weightloss as I've been vegan almost my whole like but once we moved in together…