

  • One thing to remember whey protein is fast acting. its meant to flow through your body quickly to replenish your muscles after a workout. you want casein if its not for an after workout booster. here is a link to learn more. http://www.nutritionexpress.com/showarticle.aspx?articleid=787
  • Don't try to keep up with the guys that have been there a wile. scale the weight and the moments and you will do fine. If you get in a good gym, you will have a new family.
  • yes it is. Joe was an amazing guy. The guys just got caught today. it seem that they went to the wrong building or something. Were still waiting on more details. We have another guy taking over.
  • My wife and I to WENT to Crossfit Life Sport in Toledo Ohio a few years back and the guy and members were all high and mighty. they pushed paleo down your throat and told us we was better then everyone else and talked about the global gym sucking and blah blah blah. We was there for 9 months then I couldn't take it anymore…
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