rfox1234 Member


  • Just watching what I eat for about a month helped me loose 5+ lbs. Once I knew how much food I was shoveling in my mouth I started to not do that so much anymore. :happy:
  • I was feeling the same way when I first started Power 90. I saw all the video show these people dropping ridiculous about of weight. I have been on Power 90 for about 65 days and I have lost a total of 9.4lbs. It took a lot to pull off this weight because every time I dropped some weight it felt like I gain 2lbs back on.…
  • I started Power 90 last week and so far I feel great. It was a challenge when I started the program but later I am able to get the moves down and able to transition a bit better. I am still working on push ups being more smoother and lunges being smoother. I still need to get better at transitioning in the yoga and the…