

  • Depending how in shape you already are, this may be a difficult schedule to stick to. I've been doing the shred a few days a week since November, and I'm still doing Level 1 (by choice, I decided I wouldn't go up until L1 seemed "too easy.") But it's intense, and some of the stuff in the later workouts will be hard if…
  • Hey now--pi day is a great event! You can eat it or not eat it, but don't be harsh on the folks who bring in treats. You control your life and your choices, and so do your coworkers. If you want to have a slice of pie and work it off later, you can do that--or not. :)
  • I buy a bunch of stuff on the weekend that I can take to work on Monday and toss in the fridge, like salad fixings or soup-in-a-box; that way I've got a week of lunch "raw material" ready to go, and I don't have to think about it in the mornings.
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