

  • I'm piggy-backing this post to say that any and all vegans, feel free to add me as well, especially if you live in Australia! Just tell me that you're a vegan when you send the friend request. Thanks. :)
  • I don't really deprive myself of the things that I want when I want them. I just try not to eat them too often, and to only have a small amount. I don't guilt myself over them either. I eat them and move on. I don't count calories either. If I eat really bad, I just hit the gym harder than usual to try to make up for it. I…
  • I've been vegan since February, so about 10 months now. My body is loving it! I have clearer skin, I sleep better, my moods are more stable, and I have lots more energy. Oh, and I also lost a lot of weight without exercising more than walking. I've recently started at a gym and I feel like I'm seeing results faster than I…