

  • Close. I'm 5'2" and soooo tired of people saying, "You look fine." I'm at 138 (down from 142) and tired of it. I gave birth to my first child at 142!! Let's do this, little ladies!
  • I agree. I absolutely agree it hurts. For some reason, though, people believe that pregnant women are community property. If you've ever been pregnant, then you know that total strangers think it's perfectly okay to ask you intimate details about your pregnancy and share theirs! Have you noticed how often people want to…
  • I mainly walk for exercise. I used to run but, due to back problems, my doctor has forbidden it. I still occasionally do other things (step aerobics, elliptical) but mostly I walk. Because I hate not being able to run (read: jog), I am determined to walk a half-marathon. I found a walking plan online somewhere for training…