

  • I love pepsi more than anything but to get off of it, you have to play mind games with yourself. If you drink 8 cans of pepsi a day (you said 6-8), you are consuming 270 lbs of sugar a year in pepsi alone. Go to the supermarket and load 54 5lb bags of sugar into your cart. Does that give some perspective? Also, your body…
  • Is this a bad time to bring up the concentrate v isolates v blends? If price isnt as much of an issue, lean towards the isolates first. Blends are popular, but look at the ingredient list and make sure there is more isolates than concentrates.
  • This is one of the best suggestions so far. Protein (hard boiled egg without yolks are packed with protein and have only 17 calories) and fiber are great options. But dont forget that if you are on a treadmill or a bike, you are too busy to consume "extra" calories.
  • I referred to fast food because like you mentioned it is calorie dense and it made a good example. I could get calories in a hurry as opposed to stuffing my face. I keep a pail of mixed nuts around, partially because I love them but also because of the protein and healthy fats. But you are right, just a handful (2 ounces)…
  • I was hoping to hear that. But I wanted to hear someone else's opinion The calorie count does seem a bit high but I get mine from runtastic and runkeeper seems to have similar figures. I would like to think that exercise calories are more like the gold star at the end of the day. Cash them in if I need to, other wise just…
  • I should clarify, I like this better than ww!