

  • I have tried many vitamin supplements and have NEVER found one I could tolerate. Upset tummy, diarrhea, constipation, hives, itching, hot/cold spells.... I may be allergic to the sources they get the vitamins from, or sensitive to the trace chemicals that get in during manufacturing, no one really knows. Iron supplements…
  • If you are short on time... buy pre-cleaned pre-chopped bags of fresh vegetables, lettuce and spinach, and pre-shredded cheese (buy organic and hormone-free and preservative-free versions if available). Throw a couple handfuls of the pre-chopped veggies and greens and a little of the cheese in a container, add your…
  • Lunch at work: A special treat for me is any of Amy's frozen meals. They cost less than any fast food meal and have fewer calories, less sodium, and are made from fresh organic vegetarian ingredients. Or I just take leftovers from the night before's healthy dinners. I often freeze individual portions of healthy dinners,…
  • Do you like milkshakes? If so, check out some of the Morning Smoothie recipes from the Wheat Belly diet and blogs. I think that is what has made the biggest difference for me. Instead of cereal each morning, I get out the blender (dishwasher-safe!) and I throw in 1 cup of Almond Milk, 1 banana, a handful of fresh or frozen…
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