jennscooper Member


  • At the height of my nursing (for 9.5-10 months) I was a 34 H/I - it was horrible!!!
  • I know that I am well over a year late on this reply... but I also work 12 hr shifts as an RN. I have not worn a calorie counter to work, but a coworker does wear her dot fit monitor (similar to what biggest loser wears around their arms). She claims that she burns 2300-2800 calories in a 12 hr shift. We work on an…
  • Congrats! I also had a baby 8 months ago (+2 days). I am almost the same weight as I was when I was at my heaviest prego with him. I developed depression in my last trimester and had to go on zoloft (25mg) and thats when I gained weight. Like 12lb in 2.5 weeks!!! I had to continue on the zoloft for a few months after…